IN-WORK creates the basis for a long-lasting action, and it has been designed to produce sustainable results. Different types of learning resources will be provided for different targets:

  • Training of supervisors and professors on WIL for inclusion
  • Training of staff (e.g., at admin level, when hosting a trainee with special needs)
  • Stakeholder engagement and enlargement of the regional network for WIL purposes.

Academic and Professional Guidance for Adults with Cognitive Diversity (HE)

This course is designed to introduce educators to the reality of the labor market and social employment policies in the field of intellectual disability or cognitive diversity. The topics covered are related to differences, inequalities, and discrimination in the workplace, factors of social exclusion, and equal opportunities. The content is particularly important to strengthen the effectiveness of professional development and individualized support plans.


  • Comprehend the stereotypes that affect the possibilities of people with functional diversity in finding employment.
  • Understand how to assess individual interests and motivations.
  • Conduct individual assessments of competencies and skills.
  • Identify opportunities in the labor market and the education system for individuals with cognitive diversity.
  • Learn how to provide academic and professional guidance.
  • Audience: Educators seeking professional development opportunities.

Training handbook and training materials

Training programme for supervisors, professors and teachers

Training programme for staff