• 14th National Supported Employment Congress

    14th National Supported Employment Congress

    At the 14th National Supported Employment Congress held at the PortAventura Convention Center from June 5-7, 2024, we proudly presented the IN-WORK Inclusive Communities at Work project!  This innovative project, blending academic learning with workplace practices and service-learning activities, has been pivotal in fostering social inclusion and enhancing employability among youth with intellectual and developmental…

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  • Great success at the territorial event of the IN-WORK Project at the Castle of Vila-seca

    Great success at the territorial event of the IN-WORK Project at the Castle of Vila-seca

    On June 12th, the Castle of Vila-seca hosted the territorial event of the IN-WORK Project, an event marked by the presentation of the pilot test results, the recognition of collaborating entities, and the graduation of students from the Inserlab program of the ONCE Foundation who participated in this test. The event was inaugurated by Dr.…

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  • University of Macerata organises career orientation webinar

    University of Macerata organises career orientation webinar

    The Italian team of the IN-WORK project, with the collaboration of Manpower, organized a career orientation webinar aimed at young people and university students with special educational needs on 9 May 2024. Professors from the University of Macerata and experts from Manpower worked with youth to develop a common vision of the job market and…

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  • Insights from Finland’s IN-WORK Seminar on Work-Integrated Learning in Tertiary Education

    Insights from Finland’s IN-WORK Seminar on Work-Integrated Learning in Tertiary Education

    The Finnish team of the IN-WORK project organized a seminar on April 23, 2024, for degree guidance counselors, special education teachers, and other interested parties on the theme “Who supports the learner – experts’ afternoon.” The event was held as a hybrid to allow participation from across Finland. We had participants from both universities and…

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  • 1st Inclusive Sports Conference at URV Earns Praise from Participants

    1st Inclusive Sports Conference at URV Earns Praise from Participants

    During the months of February to April, a group of 16 students from the IFE of the Cal·lípolis Institute have participated in the pilot test of the In-Work Project aimed at non-university students. As part of an integrated learning experience, the students have designed and organized the 1st Inclusive Sports Conference at the URV. This…

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  • IN-WORK Project Dissemination Day

    IN-WORK Project Dissemination Day

    Sílvia Alcoverro, a social worker and student of the Master in Innovation of Social and Educational Intervention at the URV, together with Pau Palau, research support staff at the URV, have presented the project. This pilot project, driven by the European Union, is the result of collaboration among UNIMC (Italy), EUCEN (Belgium), JAMK, and URV…

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  • University of Macerata Library hosts Internships for Social Inclusion

    University of Macerata Library hosts Internships for Social Inclusion

    As part of the “In-Work: Inclusive Communities at Work” project, under the scientific responsibility of the vice-rector Catia Giaconi, the Tis social inclusion projects began in the library branches of the University of Macerata, thanks to the fruitful collaboration between the University of Macerata, the Municipality of Macerata and the Marche Region. With the support…

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  • Accessibility evaluation at the Museu Casteller de Catalunya

    Accessibility evaluation at the Museu Casteller de Catalunya

    We are excited to announce the commencement of a Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) project in collaboration with the Museu Casteller de Catalunya. Our students will be conducting a comprehensive accessibility assessment, covering both the museum’s physical spaces and its digital presence. What we aim to achieve in this project service learning experience:

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  • The piloting phase has begun!

    The piloting phase has begun!

    On 1st February, we started the pilot of the #ErasmusPlus In-Work project in the #URV. This pioneering initiative aims to promote work-integrated learning, service-learning (SLE) and practical projects to boost the inclusion of young people with special needs in the labour market. The pilot will provide AIT opportunities adapted to the specific needs of 14…

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  • IN-WORK International Webinar Introduces the Upcoming Piloting Phase

    IN-WORK International Webinar Introduces the Upcoming Piloting Phase

    On the occasion of commencing the next phase of the IN-WORK Project, the consortium successfully hosted an engaging international webinar yesterday, 1 February 2024. The online event aimed to introduce the IN-WORK project to a wider audience and generate excitement for the upcoming piloting phase. This phase will be testing the innovative work-integrated learning activities…

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  • Training for inclusion at URV. The #INWORK project trains trainers and professional staff.

    Training for inclusion at URV. The #INWORK project trains trainers and professional staff.

    Motivations of the participants: Thirty-two participants, including teaching and technical staff from the URV, are being trained these days in work-integrated learning for students with special needs. Among the participating teachers we find a wide variety of profiles and experiences. Many teachers, already familiar with students with special needs, are looking to broaden their knowledge.…

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  • Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Tarragona Hosts IN-WORK Project

    Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Tarragona Hosts IN-WORK Project

    On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the City Council of Tarragona is organizing various events to promote a more inclusive society. December 3rd is a significant day dedicated to celebrating the strengths of individuals with disabilities while fostering awareness and education throughout society. The pilot test of the IN-WORK Project…

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