The piloting phase has begun!

On 1st February, we started the pilot of the #ErasmusPlus In-Work project in the #URV. This pioneering initiative aims to promote work-integrated learning, service-learning (SLE) and practical projects to boost the inclusion of young people with special needs in the labour market.

The pilot will provide AIT opportunities adapted to the specific needs of 14 university students and 7 non-university students, ensuring an inclusive and accessible environment. More than 11 entities of the territory will help us in this process. In this way we promote collaboration with the local community with an inclusive approach, ensuring that students with special needs can actively participate in the activities and projects designed with the entities of the territory.

With this inclusive pilot test, the URV reaffirms its commitment to diversity and equity, ensuring that all students, regardless of their abilities, can fully benefit from university education. From the #InWork Project we want the pilot test to serve as an example for other educational institutions interested in promoting diversity in work-integrated learning.